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Robert Bland, Proverbs
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1. De lana caprina
It. Discorso di lana caprina
Disputing about what is of no value, about goat's wool, which can be turned to no profit, and half the disputes in the world are of as little importance; at the least, the subjects of them are rarely of half the value of the trouble and expense incurred in the contest. Of the same kind are, «De fumo disceptare», vel «de asini umbra». Plutarch tells a ludicrous story, as giving origin to the latter adage. Demosthenes observing, that the judges before whom he was pleading, paid no attention to what he was saying, but were discoursing on matters that had no relation to the subject before them, said to them, «If you will lend your attention a little, I have now a story to relate that will amuse you». Finding they were turned to him, he said, «A certain young man hired an ass, to carry provision to a neighboring town, but the day proving to be very hot, and there being no place on the road affording shelter, he stopped the ass, and sat himself down on one side of him, so as to be shaded by the ass from the sun. On this, the driver insisted on his getting up, alleging that he had hired the ass to carry his load, not to afford him a shade. The man, on the other hand, contended, that having hired the ass for the journey, he had a right to use him as a screen from the sun, as well as to carry his goods; besides, he added, the goods on the back of the ass, which were his, afforded more than half the shade; and so long a dispute ensued, which came at length to blows». Demosthenes, perceiving the judges were now fully intent on listening to his story, suddenly broke off, and descending from the rostrum, proceeded to walk out of the court. The judges calling to him to finish his story, «I perceive you are ready enough», he said, «to listen to a ridiculous story about the shadow of an ass, but when I was pleading the cause of a man, accused of a crime affecting his life, you had not leisure to pay it the necessary attention, to enable you to be masters of the subject on which you were to decide». A story in many respects similar to this, his related of Dr. Elmar, who was Bishop of London in the time of Queen Elizabeth. In the course of a sermon he was preaching in his parish church, before he had attained to the dignity of a bishopric, finding his auditory careless and inattentive, he read, with great solemnity, a passage from a Hebrew book he happened to have with him. This drawing the attention of the congregation, he reproved them for their inconsistency in listening to him when reading a language they did not understand, and neglecting of refusing to hear him, when explaining to them in their own language, doctrines, which they were materially interested to know and understand.
Fuente: Erasmo, 253.
2. Delphinum natare doces
Affecting to give information to persons on subjects they are better acquainted with than ourselves, is like teaching birds to fly, or fishes to swim.
Sinónimo(s): Aquilam volare doces
Fuente: Erasmo, 397, 398.
3. Demulcere Caput.
Patting and stroking the head, as we do of dogs, and other animals, to put them in good humour with us. Flattering with soft speeches. «Prætermitto», St. Jerome says to his correspondent, «salutationis officia, quibus meum demulces caput», not to mention the kind speeches and friendly reception I met with, doubtless with the view of bribing my judgment, and inducing me to favour your proposal.
Fuente: Erasmo, 2037.
4. Dentem dente rodere
Ing. Do not shew your teeth, when you cannot bite
It is one tooth biting another, was used to be said to any one attempting to hurt what was out of his reach, and could not be affected by him: or affronting one who could return the insult with interest; or having a contest with persons capable of doing him more mischief than he could do them. It has the same sense as, verberare lapidem, beating a stone; do not shew your teeth, we say, when you cannot bite. The adage probably took its rise from the fable of the serpent gnawing a file, which it met with in a smith's shop, by which it made its own gums bleed but without hurting the file.
Sinónimo(s): Verberare lapidem
Fuente: Erasmo, 1532, 1472.
5. Destitutus Ventis, Remos adhibe.
Lat. Post malam segetem serendum est
Ing. Worse luck now, better another time
Esp. Contra fortuna, no vale arte ninguna
When it is calm you must use your oars. If one project prove unsuccessful you must not despair, but have recourse to other means which may prove more productive. Post malam segetem serendum est, though the harvest has failed this year, you must continue your exertions in the hope you may speed better the next; worse luck now, better another time: though the Spaniards say, Contra fortuna, no vale arte ninguna, there is no use in striving against ill fortune.
Fuente: Erasmo, 3479.
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