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Robert Bland, Proverbs
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1. Ex umbra in solem
You have explained that difficult passage, and rendered clear and luminous, what was before obscure and difficult.
Fuente: Erasmo, 182.
2. Ex uno omnia specta
From one act, or circumstance, you will readily judge what is the real character or disposition of the man. This may to a certain degree be admitted as a test; as, if a man be detected in any deliberate act of villany, where there has been an evident design to defraud or injure another, we may without hesitation pronounce the party to be a bad man: but the converse of this, may not be so surely depended on, and we may not with safety, from one single act of charity, or kindness, pronounce the party to be a good man, or trust him as much. So also, if a man from walking over Bagshot Heath, should take upon him to determine the state of this country, as to its fertility, and should describe it as in general barren and inhospitable, or from being deceived by an individual, with whom he had been engaged in business, should determine that the inhabitants are faithless, and not to be trusted, it is evident, that in both cases, he would be found to have passed a rash and precipitate judgment.
Fuente: Erasmo, 178.
3. Exigit et à Statuis Farinas.
I warrant he will make something of it, he would get meal even from a statue, nor is there any thing so mean and worthless, but he will reap some profit from it. But the adage was more usually applied to princes, and governors, exacting large tributes from poor, and almost desolate places, or obliging the inhabitants of their principal cities to pay such immense sums as to reduce the most wealthy and prosperous of them, to beggary. Of both these, we have now abundant instances in the conduct of Buonaparte and his myrmidons. It was also applied, Erasmus says, to covetous priests, «apud quos ne sepulchrum quidem gratis conceclitur», who extracted profit even from funerals; but these dues are now usually paid readily enough, either out of respect to the deceased, or from the consoling consideration that it will be the last cost the survivor will be put to on their account.
Fuente: Erasmo, 2189.
4. Exiguum malum, ingens bonum
Ing. Ill luck is good for something
Esp. El hombre mancebo, perdiendo gana seso
Ill luck is good for something. From a small evil, to extract a considerable advantage, is the property of a sound and prudent mind. It is next to profiting by the errors and mischances of others, to take warning by some check we may meet with in our progress, and thence to alter our course. El hombre mancebo, perdiendo gana seso, a young man by losing, gains knowledge. If persons, who are living more expensively than their income permits, would be wanted by the first difficulty or disgrace they suffer, and would institute modes of living more suitable to their circumstances, they would soon recover what by their improvidence they had wasted. But pride, a fear of shewing to their companions they are not so wealthy as they had boasted, or had appeared to be, prevents their following this salutary counsel, and they go on until their fall becomes inevitable. «Si quid feceris honestum cum labore, labor abit, honestum manet. Si quid feceris turpe cum voluptate, voluptas abit, turpitude manet» which may be thus rendered: if by labour and difficulty you have procured to yourself an advantage, the benefit will remain, when the labour with which it was acquired will be forgotten. But if in pursuit of pleasure you have degraded yourself, the disgrace will remain, while no traces of the pleasure will be retained in your memory.
Sinónimo(s): Si quid feceris honestum cum labore, labor abit, honestum manet. Si quid feceris turpe cum voluptate, voluptas abit, turpitude manet
Fuente: Erasmo, 1465.
5. Extra lutum pedes habes
You have been fortunate in getting out of that difficulty, or that you did not engage in a business, which, however promising it might appear, could not but have involved you in much trouble. Literally it means, in drawing your feet out of the mud.
Fuente: Erasmo, 181.
6. Extra telorum jactum
Ing. Out of harm's way
Ing. Out of debt, out of danger
Beyond bow-shot, or the reach of darts. Out of harm's way. Out of debt, out of danger. Be concerned in no disputes, and neither say nor do any thing of which an advantage may be taken, is the direction of prudence; but from the mixed nature of human affairs, not to be completely followed, but by those who live only for themselves. Let those, however, who neglect this caution be sure that they have resolution enough to bear, or strength sufficient to overcome the difficulties they may have brought upon themselves by their imprudence. Socrates being asked, who was the wisest man, answered he who offends the least.
Fuente: Erasmo, 293.
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