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Robert Bland, Proverbs
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1. Quo semel est imbuta recens, servabit Odorem Testa diu.
Lat. Maxima debetur pueris reverentia
Lat. Nil dictu fœdum visuve hæc limina tangat intra quæ puer est
Lat. Sincerum est nisi vas, quodcunque infundis acescit
Vessels will for a long time preserve the scent of the liquor first put into them, or with which they were first impregnated. This observation is very happily introduced by Horace, to shew the necessity of instilling early good principles into the minds of young people; "maxima debetur pueris reverentia": and

"Nil dictu foedum visuve hæc limina tangat
Intra quæ puer est".

we should reverence youth; that is, we should take care that nothing be said or done in their presence offensive to good morals, that we may not suffer the cruel reflection of having led them into vice by our example.

"Sincerum est nisi vas, quodcunque infundis acescit".

For as, unless the vessel is kept clean and untainted, whatever is put into it will be spoiled: if the mind be corrupted when young, it will afterwards reject the most salutary precepts.
Philip of Macedon thought a good education of so much importance, that next to the pleasure he experienced in having a son to whom he might leave his empire, he esteemed that of his being born at a time when he was able to procure for him so excellent a preceptor as Aristotle; under whose tuition he placed him as soon as he was of an age to receive his instruction."It would be well," Roger Ascham says, "that we should adopt the manners of the Persians, whose children to the age of twenty-one years were brought up in learning and exercises of labour, and that in such places, where they should neither see that was uncomely, nor hear that was unhonest".
Fuente: Erasmo, 1320.
2. Quod alibi diminutum, exæquatur alibi.
Though deficient in one quality, yet abundantly endowed with others, equally valuable and productive. He is indeed blind, but has an exquisite ear to music. He is neither strong, nor swift of foot, but is a good penman and accountant. Of kin to it are,

Non omnes possumus omnia and
Non omnis fert omnia tellus

No man should be expected to be intimately acquainted with every art or science, nor any land to produce every kind of fruit or grain.
When Philip of Macedon was contending with the master of his choir, on some musical subject, the musician, instead of answering him, said, »God forbid that your majesty should be as well instructed in these matters, as I am«.
Sinónimo(s): Non omnes possumus omnia, and Non omnis fert omnia tellus.
Fuente: Erasmo, 2771.
3. Quod non Opus est, Asse carum est.
What you have no use for is dear at the price of a farthing. «Buy what thou hast no need of, and ere long thou shalt sell thy necessaries».
(quot. Benjamin Franklin)
Fuente: Erasmo, 3399.
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