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Buscando en Robert Bland, Proverbs
Encontrado(s) en diccionario: 2
  • Robert Bland, Proverbs - 2
Su consulta: Gutta cavat lapidem
Encontrado(s): 2
1. Gutta cavat lapidem
(Madruga y verás, trabaja y habrás; Oft little add to little, and the amount / Will swell, heaped atoms thus produce a mount) By the constant trickling of water, the solid stone becomes…
2. Minutula pluvia imbrem parit
(Goutte a goutte la mer s'egoutte; Petit a petit l'oiseau fait son nid; Many a little makes a mickle; Take care of your pence, your shillings and your pounds will take care of…

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